Common Mistakes of a Basketball Coach
There are articles everywhere on how to be a better basketball coach. Articles giving advice on tactics to use and what to do right when coaching. What rarely is discussed are common basketball coaching mistakes. Here are some ideas and thoughts on what NOT to do on the bench.

Common Mistakes of a Basketball Coach

There are articles everywhere on how to be a better basketball coach. Articles giving advice on tactics to use and what to do right when coaching. What rarely is discussed are common basketball coaching mistakes. Here are some ideas and thoughts on what NOT to do on the bench.

Common Mistakes of a Basketball Coach

There are articles everywhere on how to be a better basketball coach.  Articles giving advice on tactics to use and what to do right when coaching.  What rarely is discussed are common basketball coaching mistakes.  Here are some ideas and thoughts on what NOT to do on the bench.

The first advice I have is to not be a yeller/screamer.  Let the kids play the game.  Use practice to develop and fine tune your system.  Let the kids execute the system in the games.  Use stoppages and substitutions to adjust and correct problems.  If you must make adjustments real time then speak in a positive manner to the kids.  Yelling and screaming does nothing but rattle the kids and lead to more mistakes.  Do you think they don't know when they mess up? Of course they do.  Do you think yelling at them in front of the spectators will make them play better?  I think not.

Don't panic.  So many basketball coaches jump out of their system and try crazy things when the game isn't going right.  Stick to your plans.  Stick with your system.  Do what your team does best.  Sure there are times for adjustments, but don't scrap the gameplan because you are down 10 in the 2nd quarter.  Give your team a chance to get back in the game by doing what they are good at and comfortable with.

Get your personal feeling out of the basketball game.  Do what is best for your team.  I have played numerous players I didn't like. Bottom line they were important for the goals of the team and helped the team be successful.  Don't bring politics or personal grudges to the baketball court.

Try not to yank players quickly for mistakes.  The way player learn is to play through mistakes.  Problem solving and handling adversity are missing in todays game.  Too many coaches just sit the kid on the bench and move on with the basketball game.  Let the kids play the game, learn from mistakes and earn their successes.

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Common Mistakes of a Basketball Coach

There are articles everywhere on how to be a better basketball coach. Articles giving advice on tactics to use and what to do right when coaching. What rarely is discussed are common basketball coaching mistakes. Here are some ideas and thoughts on what NOT to do on the bench.

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